Camille Andersen has worked at the University of Arizona for fourteen years, splitting that time between roles in financial aid,
IT project management and scholarship administration. She describes her current role in the UA College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences (CALES) as the “wizard
behind the scholarship curtain” – acting as the financial officer, project manager and scholarship-specifications-rules-police for the entire CALES scholarship lifecycle.
In 2022, Camille was selected for a university-wide Award for Excellence to recognize her work in scholarship administration. Her educational background includes undergraduate
degrees in economics and political science, a master’s degree in economic policy, and most recently (2023!) an MBA. What is the “why” behind her work? Stewardship: Leaving
everything better off than how she found it. This is especially satisfying when it involves tinkering with data in Excel, a favorite pastime. Camille’s current role allows
her to be a jack-of-all trades, utilizing her background in business, financial aid and process improvement to keep improving the full lifecycle of administering scholarships.
With students and donors as the key customers, Camille is more than happy to be the white noise in between that helps to keep that process smooth, efficient and transparent.
When she isn’t at work, Camille can be found staffing a household of three cats, making crafts, doing home improvements and creating Excel spreadsheets to track anything
and everything.